ODAC Indoor Track & Field ChampionshipsSalem, VA

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#6 Women's 400 Meters Performance List

* Championship 58.12 Dana Lee Washington and Lee 2016
@ ODAC Conference All-Time 56.04 Robin Yerkes Roanoke 2008

# Athlete Team Seed Note
1 300 LEE, Dana Washington and Lee 1:00.66 59.86 Sweetheart Multi-Mix Madness
2 179 MACDOUGALL, Brynn Roanoke 1:00.68 59.88 Virginia Tech Challenge
3 305 PEACOCK, Alison Washington and Lee 1:00.92 1:00.92 UCS Invitational
4 299 HINTON, Kaleigh Washington and Lee 1:02.63 1:02.63 UCS Invitational
5 253 CROSS, Jayla Virginia Wesleyan 1:02.88 1:02.88 Vince Brown Invitational
6 296 FARRONI, Kara Washington and Lee 1:03.64 1:03.64 UCS Invitational
7 169 BAXTER, Lindsey Roanoke 1:04.09 1:04.09 Finn Pincus Invitational
8 56 WILLIAMS, Brittany Eastern Mennonite 1:04.58 1:04.58 CNU Holiday Open
9 119 REESE, Keaira Lynchburg 1:05.54 1:05.54 Vince Brown Invitational
10 211 CHEATWOOD, Emily Shenandoah 1:05.83 1:04.96 Ramapo College Season Opener
11 219 MANN, Sarah Shenandoah 1:06.47 1:06.47 Finn Pincus Invitational
12 249 CAPLE, Terra Virginia Wesleyan 1:06.78 1:05.90 Artie O'Connor Invitational
13 92 WRIGHT, Cheyenne Guilford 1:09.74 1:09.74 Vince Brown Invitational
14 91 REYNA, Kayli Guilford 1:15.35 1:15.35 UCS Invitational
15 11 MEADOR, Tye Bridgewater (Va.) NT
16 9 HAUVER, Maryellen Bridgewater (Va.) NT
17 87 MCCREARY, Jamie Guilford NT