Next Upcoming Race

Please click on the banner to sign-up for the next race in our series. Our first race of the series will be held in front of Parkway Brewery. Free parking and post-race celebration will be held at Parkway Brewery- Our Host partner for this race.

The SnapSeries began in 2019 as a way to connect with the community by providing quality Road Racing in a fun environment.  Currently it is a series of four races (one for each season) that tests the fitness of individuals over various types of terrains and distances. 

The current dates for the Series are:

October 5th, 2019

March 7th, 2020

April 25th, 2020

June 27th, 2020


We want to see who is truly a Road Warrior by racing over various surfaces and distances for each season during the year.  It will test your grit and keep you from locking into the standard 5K road race training.


By earning points in each of the SnapSeries Races beginning in October and ending in June.  Highest Point Total for Males and Females will be calculated over all four races in the series.

The Point Breakdown is simple:


1st Place-100 Points

2nd Place- 90 Points

3rd Place- 80 Points

Age Group:

1st in your Age Group- 50 Points

2nd in your Age Group-30 Points

3rd in your Age Group- 10 Points

4th in your Age Group- 9 Points

5th in your Age Group-8 Points

6th in your Age Group-7 Points

7th in your Age Group-6 Points

8th in your Age Group-5 Points

9th in your Age Group-4 Points

10th in your Age Group- 3 Points

Medals will be given to the Top Three Overall and Top Three Age Group Winners in each of the races.  A special prize awaits the top male and female Road Warrior at the end of the series for the highest point total.  They will also receive free race entry to any Snap Series races FOR LIFE.

Additional Costs?
Just sign up for the Races, there is no additional costs to enter the Series.  Have fun and enjoy.